" Ser governado é... Ser guardado à vista, inspecionado, espionado, dirigido, legislado, regulamentado, parqueado, endoutrinado, predicado, controlado, calculado, apreciado, censurado, comandado, por seres que não têm nem o título, nem a ciência, nem a virtude (...). Ser governado é ser, a cada operação, a cada transação, a cada movimento, notado, registrado, recenseado, tarifado, selado, medido, cotado, avaliado, patenteado, licenciado, autorizado, rotulado, admoestado, impedido, reformado, reenviado, corrigido. É, sob o pretexto da utilidade pública e em nome do interesse geral, ser submetido à contribuição, utilizado, resgatado, explorado, monopolizado, extorquido, pressionado, mistificado, roubado; e depois, à menor resistência, à primeira palavra de queixa, reprimido, multado, vilipendiado, vexado, acossado, maltratado, espancado, desarmado, garroteado, aprisionado, fuzilado, metralhado, julgado, condenado, deportado, sacrificado, vendido, traído e, no máximo grau, jogado, ridicularizado, ultrajado, desonrado. Eis o governo, eis a justiça, eis a sua moral!

domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2010

06 Feb 210 - Make Capitalism History - Just do it!

Poverty is not just caused by government policies – it’s caused by the global economic and political system. Mega-rich banks are sucking the people of the world dry. Unemployment has reached an all time high, personal tax is now staggering and still the banks are managing to pay themselves record bonusses without any real attempt from the government to block this.

This domination of the world market by the banks and the big monopoly companies has a name: imperialism. A handful of robber nations, whose capitalists have saturated their domestic market, seek to make super-profits from the rest of the world.

Destroy the IMF, WTO and World Bank!
These undemocratic – and therefore unreformable – institutions of neoliberalism must be broken up. They serve no one’s interests except the rich and powerful corporate bosses.

On the 6th of Feb 2010 groups from all over the world will be joining to storm into their financial districts and make capitalism history.

We ask that you all take part in your own capitals and help our voices to be heard!

Information on location and times:







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